About Us

CineFX is a company based on principles, hard work and excellence. There is nothing that comes out of the shop that we are not proud of.

We are probably the luckiest guys on the planet,  we love what we do. Basically we make toys, play with them and get to blow them up every now and again (when they let us).

This is not to say we never face challenges. Yes, there are trying times, but these bring out the best in us.

I think the secret here is that our crew work with us as opposed to working for us, between the two partners, we have ±50 years of experience in FX.

Throw challenges our way and we will attack it with vengeance,  solutions are our business. We don’t fit into any boxes and consequently thinking out of the box is as natural to us as living and breathing.

Onwards and Upwards I guess is our Motto!